Treadmill Interval Training – Morning Workout for an Energizing Start

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Mornings can be tough. Between hitting the snooze button and battling the urge to crawl back into bed, getting pumped for the day can feel like a marathon itself. But what if there was a way to wake up your body and mind, boost your energy levels, and get a killer morning workout all before breakfast? Enter the morning treadmill interval training routine!

Interval training is a type of exercise that alternates between periods of high-intensity effort and rest or recovery. This style of workout is not only effective for burning calories and improving cardiovascular health, but it’s also a great way to combat that morning sluggishness.

Why is it Good for Mornings?

Treadmill interval training morning workout

Most interval training workouts can be done in 20-30 minutes, making them perfect for busy mornings. The high-intensity bursts get your blood pumping and oxygen flowing, leaving you feeling invigorated and ready to tackle the day. Physical activity leads to the release of endorphins. These are the hormones in charge of lifting your spirits and making you feel more upbeat. Engaging in interval training is also a great way of burning those excess calories you may have consumed the previous night. Hence, exercising in the morning can help you stay focused, optimistic, and alert, and regulate your energy for the day.

Level Up Your Runs with these Treadmill Interval Training workouts:

Brisk Walk and Stretch Combo:

Duration: 20-30 minutes


Brisk walk & stretch combo

a. Warm-up Walk (5 minutes): Begin this morning workout with a slow walk to gradually increase your heart rate.

b. Moderate Walk (10 minutes): Speed up to a brisk walking pace. This should be challenging but sustainable.

c. Dynamic Stretches (5 minutes): Incorporate dynamic stretches like leg swings, arm circles, and torso twists. Focus on major muscle groups.

Interval Jogging:

Duration: 25-35 minutes


a. Warm-up Jog (5 minutes): Start with a light jog to prepare your body.

b. Brisk Jog (10 minutes): Increase your pace to a comfortable jogging speed.

c. Sprinting Intervals (10 minutes): Alternate between 1-minute sprints and 2 minutes of brisk jogging. Repeat this cycle.

d. Cool Down Jog (5 minutes): Gradually decrease your speed to a slow jog to cool down.

Incline Power Walk:

Duration: 25-35 minutes


Incline power walk 

a. Warm-up Walk (5 minutes): Begin this morning workout with a gentle walk.

b. Moderate Incline (15 minutes): Increase the incline to 5-8% and maintain a power walk pace.

c. Steeper Incline (5 minutes): Raise the incline to 10-12% for an added challenge.

d. Cool Down Walk (5 minutes): Reduce the incline and pace for a relaxing cooldown.

Hill Climbing Challenge – Morning Workout:

Duration: 30-40 minutes


Hill climbing challenge - morning workout

a. Warm-up Walk/Jog (5 minutes): Start with a combination of walking and light jogging.

b. Gradual Incline Increase (10 minutes): Begin with a low incline and gradually increase it every 2 minutes.

c. Steady Climb (15 minutes): Maintain a challenging incline and pace, simulating a sustained hill climb.

d. Descent (5 minutes): Gradually decrease the incline and pace for a proper cooldown.

  • Note: These durations and steps can be adjusted based on your fitness level. 

Additional Tips to Liven up Your Morning Workout

Transform your treadmill routine from a snoozefest to a sprint-tastic energy boost. Feel the power of short bursts, watch the calories sizzle, and discover the exhilarating rush of pushing your limits. Who knows, you might just find yourself addicted to the thrill of the treadmill sprint!

Bonus Tip: Don’t forget to read – 10 Must-Eat Winter Season Foods to Keep You Warm

Tips for Success:

  1. Listen to your body: Don’t push yourself too hard, especially if you’re new 
  2. Warm-up and cool down: Always take the time to warm up your muscles before you start and cool down afterward to prevent injury.
  3. Change it up: Keep your workouts interesting by trying different interval lengths and speeds. You can also add an incline or decline to your runs for an extra challenge.
  4. Fuel your body: Eat a healthy breakfast before your workout to give your body the energy it needs.
  5. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workout.

Remember, the most important thing is to find a workout that you enjoy and that fits your fitness level. So get out there and start moving!

Conclusion: Embrace the Sprint for a Refreshing Start!

Why is this morning workout on a treadmill a game-changer? Well, for one, it tackles the morning blues head-on. Instead of hitting the snooze button, you’ll be hitting personal records on the treadmill. The beauty lies in the efficiency – a mere 20-30 minutes can set the tone for an entire day.

By incorporating diverse workouts like the Brisk Walk and Stretch Combo, Interval Jogging, Incline Power Walk, and the Hill Climbing Challenge, you engage various muscle groups, rev up your metabolism, and enhance cardiovascular health. And, let’s not forget the psychological benefits. Endorphins, those magical mood-lifters, flood your system, turning sluggishness into enthusiasm. Plus, conquering a treadmill hill climb is like conquering a mini mountain every morning – a metaphorical triumph that carries into your daily challenges.